Without Front End, we would not be able to swipe, scroll, or send from our screens.

Everything we interact with on a User Interface (UI) is made possible by frontend code.

Learn about how these specialists work through the software development process, the toolkits they use along the way, and red flags to avoid when recruiting this top talent.

Course Curriculum

    1. Tips for Success

    2. HANDBOOK: Front End Engineering [FOR PRINT]

    3. HANDBOOK: Front End Engineering [FILLABLE]

    1. Class #1A Full Transcript

    2. Introduction to the Front End Engineering Course

    3. Welcome to the World of Front End Engineering

    4. Research

    5. Design

    6. Build

    7. Test

    8. Deploy

    9. QUIZ #1: Front End Engineering Workflow

    1. Class #1B Full Transcript

    2. Project Example

    3. Research

    4. Design

    5. Build

    6. Test

    7. Deploy

    8. Closing

    1. Class #2 Full Transcript

    2. Introduction to Technical Toolkit

    3. Programming Languages

    4. Frameworks & Libraries

    5. Coding & Collaboration Tools

    6. Design Collaboration Tools

    7. Closing

    8. QUIZ #2: Technical Toolkit

    1. Class #3 Full Transcript

    2. Introduction to Talent Personas

    3. Junior Goals & Experiences

    4. Junior Tasks & Deliverables

    5. Junior Motivations & Frustrations

    6. Junior Technology & Tools

    7. Senior Goals & Experiences

    8. Senior Tasks & Deliverables

    9. Senior Motivations & Frustrations

    10. Senior Technology & Tools

    11. Closing

    12. QUIZ #3: Talent Personas

    1. Class #4 Full Transcript

    2. Intro to Communication

    3. Job Description

    4. Red Flags

    5. Outreach Messages

    6. Interviews

    7. Closing

    8. Front End Engineering Wrap Up

    9. QUIZ #4: Communication

    10. Bonus: Front End Engineer Tech Talent Cheatsheet

About this course

  • Free
  • 50 lessons
  • 2 hours of video content