Languages, Frameworks & Tech Stacks, oh my!

Join instructor, Khalid Hamza, as he orients you into the toolkits, tech stacks, and career progression of back-end engineers.

Learn how to read resumes, ask credible interview questions, and assess the seniority of Back End Engineers.

Course Curriculum

    1. Meet Your Instructor: Khalid Hamza

    2. Tips for Success

    3. HANDBOOK: Back End Engineering [FOR PRINT]

    4. HANDBOOK: Back End Engineering [FILLABLE]

    1. Introduction to the Back End Engineering Course

    2. Welcome To The World of Back End Engineering

    3. Workflow

    4. Research

    5. Design

    6. Build

    7. Test & Deploy

    1. Project Example

    2. Research

    3. Design

    4. Build

    5. Test & Deploy

    6. Closing

    7. Bonus: Back End Engineer Tech Talent Cheatsheet

    1. Tech Recruiter Certification 2.0

About this course

  • Free
  • 19 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content